Inside The Painting (2015)

A painted image (4 x 4 m, yogurt and soap with pigments, Chinese Ink) on self-produced latex material (thin layers of latex on foil) forms a Tee Pee or cocoon-like space (approx 1 x 1 m). Outside the Latex-tent I installed lights which react to sounds. Additionally a sound collage/ sound composition is played through various speakers and a sound transducer installed underneath a wooden floor plays sound as well. The sound collage forms a composition that corresponds to the image. Specific sounds represent lines, colors, compositional elements or poetic elements of the image. Spoken words, which intermittently appear in the composition, interact with the sound collage giving it specific associations and images. The painting is built up by the acoustics and structure of the sound. It is not possible for the viewer to look at the entire painting at once because of the small distance between the viewer, the cocoon like surrounding, and the latex canvas. The light responds to treble, mids, and bass and lights up the latex from the back, which keeps the viewer from grasping the entire picture. Only the composition of the sound collage seems to shed light on the whole image. This auditory way of depicting an image is meant to break down the otherwise existing distance between image and viewer. The cocoon-like shape of the image is supposed to intensify this effect